Corrosion and fire protection of structural steel

Hatchery in Lipnik village, Razgrad Municipality

Fireprotection at hatchery, Lipnik village, Razgrad Municipality

Production facility for electronic devices osram

Application of corrosion protective and fire protective coatings onto steel structures at site project: Lighting production and assembly in Trud village, Plovdiv region, Bulgaria.

Sofia South RIng Mall

Application of fireproofing FX1002 at site project Sofia South Ring Mall

Tailoring factory

Fireprotection of steel structures of Tailoring factory, Stryama village, Plovdiv area, Bulgaria.

Emiliyan Stanev High School, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Supply and application of fireproofing coating onto steel structures of a sport hall at Emiliyan Stanev High School in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Central railway station, city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Surface preparation to Sa 2,5 and application of corrosion protective coatings on to steel structures. Sandblasting of the front sides (facade) of the old monument building as a preparation for restoration.

Warehouse in town of Devnya, Bulgaria

Application of corrosion and fire protective coatings onto steel structures at warehouse of Trident Freight Ltd., town of Devnya, Bulgaria.

BLACK SEA ICE ARENA - sport hall with ice rink Kranevo, Bulgaria

Supply and application of corrosion protective paints and coatings at site project: One-dimensional sports hall with ice rink, designed with a metal structure. Painting of stadium tribines.

Multifunctional sports hall plovdiv

Supply and application of fire protective paints and finish coating on steel ctructures at site project: MULTIFUNCTIONAL SPORTS HALL, city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Trading center Svilengrad, Bulgaria

Supply and application of fire proofing system Firetex.

Containers depot - Varna, Bulgaria

Material supply /corrosion protective paints/ coatings/ at project site: Container depot, city of Varna, Bulgaria

Nitric acid work shop - fertilizers production plant, town of Devnya, Bulgaria

Supply and application of corrosion and fire protective coatings/ paints at work shop for nitric acid in a fertilizers production plant in the town of Devnya, Bulgaria.

Agricultural farming, Bulgaria

Supply and application of passive fire protection on to metal structures at site project in town of Debelets, Bulgaria

Protection of machines and elements

Application of corrosion protective coating onto machines and elements

Corrosion protection

Surface preparation and application of corrosion protection coating

Fire protection of steel structures

Supply and application of fire protective coating PERLIFOC HP on steel structures at IKEA, Varna, Bulgaria